1Excerpt from Legends and Myths of Ancient Minnesota, 2020. Artwork by the author composed of every symbol from The New Liberator. A complete archive of The New Liberator is available via the International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals: http://iapsop.com/archive/materials/new_liberator/ American Fascism as Aesthetic Experience Brooks Turner Identifying the symbols and myths of fascism as a warning sign for its political actions
1Janet Lobberecht, Miranda Trimmier and Gudrun Lock. Photo: Marc Scamp. Literature Performing Arts 2-26-2025 Report of the Smelling Committee Elisabeth Workman
1View of the exhibition Saturday Mornings and The Faces We Remember, 2023. Photo: Rik Sferra. Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 7-31-2024 Curator to Curator: Reflecting on Saturday Mornings and The Faces We Remember Za'Nia Coleman
1BakiBakiBaki, Stupa for the inner child/Gaia’s sanctuary, 2024. Courtesy the artist. Photo: Mason Paul Persons. Visual Art 7-26-2024 Objects Talk, Spirits Talk, Ghosts Talk, Beings Talk: A Conversation with BakiBakiBaki Aegor Ray
Visual Art 11-28-2023 Right(ful) Place: Quilting Tomorrows Through Yesterday’s Images Stevie Ada Klaark
1Peng Wu, "Cloud Rests On Border 边境流云", 2023. Visual Art 9-15-2023 The Railway Bolt Pulling Itself Off the Rail, Turning Into a Cloud 一 枚铆钉从铁轨上挣脱变成了一朵云 Xiaolu Wang
1Chris Larson, The Residue of Labor, 2023. Courtesy Public Art St. Paul. Visual Art 9-6-2023 Time Is a Boomerang: Residual Histories Wrapped in Post-Industrial Mystique Christina Schmid
1Livia Disney, Everything Comes 2 An End!, 2023. Visual Art 8-22-2023 The Freedom to Be Curious and to Question: A Manifesto for Arts Education Livia Disney
1Brooks Turner, Airborne Toxic Event, 2023. Design Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 8-4-2023 Pedagogy and Propaganda: A Manifesto for Anti-Fascist Education Brooks Turner
1Ohutkan:Genesis is generated from soundwave files of Dakota thunder and seed planting songs. These songs mark the beginning of the Dakota New Year, a time of rebirth and renewal, as well as honor the tradition of seed-keeping, which preserves ancestral memory, and takes on a new meaning in the digital age. Design Performing Arts Visual Art 5-12-2023 Glitching the Glass Wall: A Conversation with Autumn Cavender-Wilson Juleana Enright
1The dome in the gloaming. Photo: Gerty Tonjum. Literature Performing Arts 4-4-2023 Below Deck at Back Channel Radio Gina Favano
1Ayana V. Jackson, Consider the Sky and the Sea, 2019. Take Me to the Water Series. Courtesy Mariane Ibrahim. Visual Art 2-14-2023 We Fly: On Black Aliveness in A Picture Gallery of the Soul Nicole Asong Nfonoyim-Hara