1Isa Gagarin and Emmett Ramstad in conversation. Visual Art 9-29-2023 Lunch Break Isa Gagarin, Emmett Ramstad
1At the end of every semester, my students tear up one of their "failed" drawings and paste them on a poster with advice for future students. Photo: Isa Gagarin. Visual Art 9-6-2023 Make Some Scribbles and Hope for the Best: Reflections on Ungrading Isa Gagarin
1Livia Disney, Everything Comes 2 An End!, 2023. Visual Art 8-22-2023 The Freedom to Be Curious and to Question: A Manifesto for Arts Education Livia Disney
1Luci Aslakson, Untitled, 2023. Visual Art 8-15-2023 In the Eye of the Beholder: Subjectivity and Perception in the World of Art Luci Aslakson
1Brooks Turner, Airborne Toxic Event, 2023. Design Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 8-4-2023 Pedagogy and Propaganda: A Manifesto for Anti-Fascist Education Brooks Turner
1Minnesota Federation of Teachers on strike. Photo: Tamara Turner. Design Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 7-21-2023 An Uncertain Syllabus for Art Education Brooks Turner, Isa Gagarin, Emmett Ramstad, Livia Disney, Luci Aslakson, Audrey Wilson
1Sarah Peters, The Moon has no Weather, 2013. Collection Walker Art Center. General 1-13-2023 For Elissa Natalie Dalea
1Block print created by Peng Wu during one of the Jin Paper Burning events. Design Visual Art 9-19-2022 Letter to My Father in the Other World Explaining Four Types of U.S. Visas Peng Wu
1Tou SaiK Lee. Photo: Shun Jie Yong. Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 8-23-2019 An Un/Education Christina Schmid
1Photo: Regan Golden. Design Visual Art 6-25-2019 The Green Behind the Glass: Collecting and Protecting Plants from Around the World Lisa Philander and Regan Golden
1All stills from the author's student films made for "290," his class in Super 8 during his time at USC. Literature Moving Image Performing Arts 5-26-2017 Immeasurable Re-creation Kevin Obsatz