1"He Woke Up In A Strange Place Called Home And Although Looking For Bed He Kept Finding Death Instead." Photo: Craig VanDerSchaegen Moving Image Performing Arts 1-14-2013 (Re)Making a Better World: A Conversation with Charles Campbell Jay Orff
1Screenplay by David Oppegaard, directed by Todd Wardrope. Literature Moving Image 10-25-2011 Developing a ‘Taste’ for Filmmaking David Oppegaard
1Honor Guard (courtesy of the artist) Visual Art 9-8-2011 A Citizen Artist in a Country at War Camille Gage
1Courtesy of Rogues Gallery Arts and Fringe Festival Performing Arts Visual Art 8-10-2011 Fringe Shorts: “The 612” by Rogues Gallery Arts Christy DeSmith
1All images courtesy of the Department of Public Design Design Visual Art 7-28-2011 The Mysterious Department of Public Design Camille LeFevre
1On stage at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis, July 23-31. Performing Arts 7-20-2011 Putting on a Show with the Neighbors Alison Morse
1Photos by Heather Hankerson Performing Arts 7-18-2011 Smooth Moves, Toothy Smiles and Shiny Pants Lightsey Darst
1Photo courtesy of the author Literature Moving Image 6-20-2011 Beyond DIY to Do-It-Together Regan Smith
1Photo by Irve Dell, courtesy of the artists Performing Arts 6-7-2011 Force & Matter in Two Dimensions Lightsey Darst
1Stephen Doyle's illustration for "Condemnation Without Absolutes" by Stanley Fish, for the Op-Ed page of the NEW YORK TIMES Design Moving Image 9-8-2010 Storytelling by Design in a Digital Age Marsha Trainer