Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 5-21-2021 Freestyle, Hook & Repeat: Hip Hop Innovation as a Blueprint for the Survival of Those Whom the World Would Much Rather See Dead Tish Jones
1Peng Wu and Yu Youyang, Irwin in the corporate meeting room, 2021. Design Visual Art 5-3-2021 Unlearning the Elephant: Against Multidisciplinarity Boris Oicherman
1Amoke Kubat’s Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired Chair assembly and build workshop, in partnership with the Women’s Woodshop and the Water Bar, June 2019. Design Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 7-24-2020 REST: A Transatlantic Reflection Ain Bailey, Sayge Carroll, Zenzele Isoke, Amoke Kubat, Ego Ahaiwe Sowinski, and Rehana Zaman
1At a screening outside of the Hosmer library organized by Central Neighborhood Association. Photo: Ann Silver. Literature Moving Image 12-12-2018 To Come Back to Love: Reminders for Making Visible the Invisible Xiaolu Wang
1Leila Awadallah and Asma Ghanem, My Garden Is a Security Threat. Photo by Galen Fletcher for Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 10-12-2018 A Body of Art Subverts the Ban Nusaiba Imady
1Holly Muñoz and Dalmar Yare. Photo courtesy of the artists Performing Arts 1-27-2017 The Most Necessary Band in Minnesota Ira Brooker
1Amanda Curreri, Calm Lunatics, 2015. Rabbit skin glue and acrylic on canvas. Courtesy of Romer Young Gallery. The exhibition, The Calmest of Us Would Be Lunatics, is at the Rochester Art Center in Rochester, Minn. January 22 through May 8, 2016. Moving Image Visual Art 3-15-2016 Terrible Beauty in a Flawed System Suzanne Szucs
1David Ruhlman, In a House of Healing (Wasp's Nest I). Courtesy of the artist and Gallery Saint Germain. Visual Art 2-23-2016 A Pile of Random Sweepings Mary Coyne
1Set detail from Chris Larson's set for Wise Blood, courtesy of the artists and Walker Art Center Design Literature Performing Arts Visual Art 6-17-2015 Tell It Slant Veronica Kavass
1Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Rosas danst Rosas, performance in 2009. Photo: © Herman Sorgeloos Performing Arts 2-20-2015 A Dance is More Than Intellectual Property Anna Marie Shogren