1Seitu Ken Jones, 2022. Photo: Alexander Thomas. Visual Art 3-2-2022 Real Positions: Self-Portraits by Seitu Ken Jones Davu Seru
1Original Royal Refugee art show. Photo courtesy the artist. Design Visual Art 12-8-2021 Locating the Original Royal Refugee Sheila Regan
1Installation view of Dyani White Hawk: Speaking to Relatives. Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Missouri. Photo: E. G. Schempf. Visual Art 4-12-2021 Dyani White Hawk: Speaking to Relatives Sheila Regan
1Farida Hughes, Urban Groove, resin paint and mixed media on wood panel, 2016. Courtesy of the artist Visual Art 12-16-2016 NEMAA Artist Series: Pluralism in Motion Susannah Schouweiler
1Amanda Hamilton, like this , installation detail. Courtesy of Bethel Art Galleries. Visual Art 10-12-2016 Painting the Present Regan Golden
1Detail from Stephen Filla-Kim's recent series of architecturally rooted paintings in cast resin, commissioned by III AD Design+Build. Design Visual Art 9-9-2016 NEMAA Artist Series: Art in the Making Susannah Schouweiler
1Courtesy of All My Relations Gallery and the artist Visual Art 1-26-2011 From the Rez, to the Hood, to the Lake Sheila Regan
1Image courtesy of the artist Visual Art 6-8-2010 Exchange: a conversation on painting with Ute Bertog Ruben Nusz