YOU ARE HEAR: 2013 Submission guidelines, themes and deadlines
Got a story in you to share? We're taking submissions of fiction, nonfiction, poems and spoken word all year for's literary podcast. Look no further for themes, guidelines, and deadlines for the coming year's episodes.

ABOUT THE PODCAST: You Are Hear is a literary podcast production of Each monthly edition will feature new, original work by a Minnesota writer or two. The show is available on our site, of course, but also’s Audioboo page (for ease of sharing and downloading). Stories, poems, humor pieces, spoken word performances and whatever else talented folks can do with nouns and verbs – all presented in downloadable audio form for you to enjoy when and where you choose. It’s like a dozen free little books to put in your ears.
ABOUT THE HOST: Brian Beatty has published his jokes, poems and short stories in a variety of print and online publications. He’s performed comedy all over the Twin Cities. Brian’s humor chapbook DUCK! was published in 2009.
Deadlines are easy to remember: Audio and text submissions are due at by noon the first day of each month.
January — Happy New You
February — Romance Is Dead
March — Madness
April — Rhymes and/or Reasons
May — May Day, May Day!
June — Over the Moon
July — Ooh, Ahh
August — Get Together
September — Schooled
October — Jacks of All Lanterns
November — Pass the Wishbone
December — Unhappy Holidays
WHAT WE WANT TO READ AND HEAR: Stories. Poems. Humor pieces. Spoken word performances. Audio plays. Whatever you’ve made using words that will make for a literary listening experience we’ve not heard before. That’s all we’re interested in.
NO REPRINTS OR PLAGIARISM: Submitted works should be new and original, too. Don’t get us in trouble with publishers or their lawyers.
HOW LONG SHOULD SUBMISSIONS BE?: 5 to 10 minutes in recorded form. Anything much longer than 1,200 words is probably too long for our podcast. Groups of shorter pieces are welcome.
ABOUT THOSE MONTHLY THEMES: You’re welcome to interpret the themes listed on our editorial calendar as loosely as you wish. They are not intended to be strict writing prompts.
HOW SHOULD YOU SUBMIT?: We accept written and mp3 audio submissions by email at ( Please paste your written submission into the body of your email. Only mp3 audio attachments will be downloaded, so please don’t send along other digital file types. Whether submitting in writing or audio, please include a 2-3 sentence written biography to accompany the piece.
YOUR SUBJECT LINE: The subject line of your email should include YAH and the GENRE of your submission, as well as the MONTH you’re hoping it might work for the podcast. [For example: YAH: HUMOR FEBRUARY]
VERY SERIOUS DEADLINES: Deadlines for submissions are due on the first of the month for which you’d like your piece considered. These deadlines are not open to interpretation. Submissions received after a deadline will not be eligible for that month, but may be considered for future editions. We’re not monsters.
RESPONSE TIME: We’ll do our best to contact you within two weeks of receiving your submission email. Please wait three weeks before following up with us about the status of your submission.
PAYMENT: Featured contributors will receive a modest honorarium from – plus immediate celebrity. Payment will be arranged upon acceptance of your work.