1Screenplay by David Oppegaard, directed by Todd Wardrope. Literature Moving Image 10-25-2011 Developing a ‘Taste’ for Filmmaking David Oppegaard
1Photo courtesy of the author Literature Moving Image 6-20-2011 Beyond DIY to Do-It-Together Regan Smith
1 Design Visual Art 5-12-2008 VISUAL ART: Thermodynamics, The Art of Kiln and Furnace Hannah Dentinger
1 Literature Moving Image 12-31-2007 EXCHANGE: Amy Rice and Marya Hornbacher in conversation about art and the disordered mind (Part Two) Marya Hornbacher and Amy Rice
1 Literature Visual Art 12-23-2007 EXCHANGE: A dialogue on art and the mind between visual artist Amy Rice and writer Marya Hornbacher Amy Rice and Marya Hornbacher