1Mark Morris Dance Group performing Dido and Aeneas. Photo: Hilary Scott, courtesy of Northrop Performing Arts 4-12-2016 Remembrance of Things Past, Revived for the Present Camille LeFevre
1Amanda Curreri, Calm Lunatics, 2015. Rabbit skin glue and acrylic on canvas. Courtesy of Romer Young Gallery. The exhibition, The Calmest of Us Would Be Lunatics, is at the Rochester Art Center in Rochester, Minn. January 22 through May 8, 2016. Moving Image Visual Art 3-15-2016 Terrible Beauty in a Flawed System Suzanne Szucs
1Joe Sinness, Liam, 2015. One of the drawings on view in his solo show at Macalester College through October 21. Visual Art 10-13-2015 After the Party Christina Schmid
1Ron Athey, Solar Anus (1998). Photo: Regis Hertrich Performing Arts Visual Art 3-25-2015 Culture Wars and Culture Gaps Lauren DeLand