1"Dolly Parton performs at 1973 dedication of Cordell Hull Dam" by NashvilleCorps is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ The Audience’s Work Is to Listen: On Communication and Chaos Anna Marie Shogren On misreading, over-translation, nonverbal understanding, and the pitfalls of legibility
1Design and animation by Emma Burghart Literature Moving Image 3-24-2010 Poetry in Motion Alison Morse
1 Moving Image 6-30-2008 FILM: A Filmmaker’s Guide to Getting Your Movie On (the Right) Screen Ali Selim
1 Visual Art 12-5-2007 ART ON THE WALL: Tom Proehl and James LL Morrison on Finding Art in Unexpected Places Emma Berg and Kristoffer Knutson