You Are Hear: Madness (March 2013)
This month's episode of our podcast features an autobiographical short, "Idle Hands Could Unsaddle a Mind" by Janice Pettit.

ABOUT THE PODCAST: You Are Hear is a literary podcast production of Each monthly edition will feature new, original work by a Minnesota writer or two. The show is available on our site, of course, but also’s Audiobook page (for ease of sharing and downloading). Stories, poems, humor pieces, spoken word performances and whatever else talented folks can do with nouns and verbs – all presented in downloadable audio form for you to enjoy when and where you choose. It’s like a dozen free little books to put in your ears.
ABOUT THE HOST: Brian Beatty has published his jokes, poems and short stories in a variety of print and online publications. He’s performed comedy all over the Twin Cities. Brian’s humor chapbook DUCK! was published in 2009.
Jan Pettit’s writing has appeared in a number of publications, including a few you might have heard of (or not) like Cream City Review, Great River Review, Rosebud, Tusculum Review, Natural Bridge and South Dakota Review. Jan’s work has also been anthologized in Nebraska Presence, a collection of poetry by native Nebraskans. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Hamline University and sometimes does voiceover work — mostly for healthcare clients. Some people call Jan the voice of cancer.