What Light: This Week’s Poem: Barbara Davis
Barbara Davis is the seventh poet chosen in this once-a-week yearlong survey of Minnesotas poets and their work. The series is sponsored by Magers & Quinn Booksellers.

If I Am Hungry
If I am hungry, I will eat the sun,
red apple of hot light.
I’ll swallow summer rainstorms spiked
with thunder and a jay’s harsh cry.
If I am lonely, I will sleep with salt
and press my mouth against your empty clothes.
My appetite is huge, now you are gone.
Barbara Davis works as an arts management consultant and teacher. She lives in St. Paul with her husband and two cats. This is her first published poem. She is grateful to Tom Ruud and Jorie Miller for encouraging her through their classes at The Loft, and to the members of her two writers support groups.