Literature 12-1-2008

What Light: This Week’s Poem: Amy McCann

Read "Loving the Evangelist" by Amy McCann, which was selected to be a What Light winner by poet Deborah Bernhardt.

Amy McCann
What Light anthology


Most days, I walk around feeling as if the world that I see, that I experience through my senses, is not the whole of it—as if we’re all a little blind, as if there’s a world behind the world and, if we could just get a little closer, see a little clearer—. Reading and writing poetry feels, for me, like a way to access that veiled place.


Amy McCann lives in Minneapolis and teaches creative writing at Northwestern College. She has an M.F.A. in Poetry from Eastern Washington University and has been an AWP Intro Award Winner and a finalist for the Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellowship and the Loft Mentor Series. Her work has appeared in New Letters, Third Coast, Hotel Amerika, The Laurel Review, Puerto del Sol, Image, and others.
