1Shoreham Yards aerial view. Part of Shoreham Repository. Courtesy the artist. Literature Moving Image Visual Art 12-20-2023 Shoreham Repository: A Feralegium Elisabeth Workman
1Matthew King, Self Portrait 1, Buckthorn Anthotype on Executive Order 13112, 2023. Visual Art 7-25-2023 Invasive Matthew King
1Pao Houa Her, untitled, Mt. Shasta series, 2021-2022. Courtesy the artist and Bockley Gallery, Minneapolis; produced with support from the Walker Art Center. Literature Visual Art 10-7-2022 Forest of Beginnings Mai Der Vang
1Art storage, Walker Art Center. Photo: Gene Pittman. Visual Art 3-10-2022 Sowing Memory: Collecting Art and Saving Seeds Ian Hanesworth
1Behind Environmental Wood Recycling, wildfire haze obscures the St. Paul skyline. Photo: Bade Turgut. Visual Art 9-24-2021 What Can’t Be Buried: Unearthing Revival Field Mike Curran
1Sarah Foltz Jordan (2021). Moving Image 8-27-2021 A Guide to Hedgerows & Seeding Flexible Habitats Sarah Foltz Jordan
1Credit: Clockwise from top left: Cecilia Ramón, courtesy the artist; Kathy McTavish, courtesy the artist; Catherine Meier, courtesy the artist; Tashia Hart, courtesy the artist. Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 8-20-2021 Curating in the Hedgerows Annie Dugan
1Amanda Hamilton, like this , installation detail. Courtesy of Bethel Art Galleries. Visual Art 10-12-2016 Painting the Present Regan Golden