Author: Ian Hanesworth 
Ian Hanesworth is a queer artist/farmer/writer from Winona, MN (Dakota land) who recently moved to Missoula, MT (Salish, Kootenai, + Kalispel land). Their work and research centers on ideas of deep ecology, plant medicine, and environmental stewardship. Ian uses wild plant fibers and dyes to create artwork that asserts the critical interconnectedness of human and ecological wellbeing and argues for the place of gardening within a contemporary art practice. They received a BFA in Fine Arts Studio from the Minneapolis College of Art & Design in 2018. Since graduating they have participated in residency programs such as Caldera AiR in Sisters, OR, and exhibited their work in numerous group and solo exhibitions. They are a recipient of the 2019 Jerome Emerging Fiber Artist Project Grant through the Textile Center of Minnesota and the 2020 Artist Initiative Grant through the Minnesota State Arts Board.