1Nailah Taman, Childhood dog tag, scarab bead, naked hunk, hollow stick, cap, earplug, lens, sea glass, 2023. Literature 7-5-2023 Carrier Bag of Recovery Aegor Ray
1Chloe Russell, Hand Party (2015). Design Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 12-31-2018 Experience Is Expertise Simi Kang
1Helen holds a polaroid of herself at the "Window to the West" streetside photo and painting exhibit at the Esmond Hotel, West Duluth, MN. Photo: Tim White. Literature Moving Image Performing Arts Visual Art 7-31-2018 Backyard Histories: Bethany Lacktorin and Nik Nerburn in Conversation Bethany Lacktorin and Nik Nerburn
1 Design Moving Image Visual Art 10-8-2013 Remnants and Curiosities of the Natural World Camille LeFevre
1Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures Moving Image Performing Arts 2-1-2011 The Enduring Mystique of “Swan Lake” Camille LeFevre