1ESO MALFLOR, Hole, 2024. Courtesy HAIR + NAILS. Visual Art 12-13-2024 ESO MALFLOR Plays with Fire Christina Schmid
1Alexa Horochowski, La Sirena, 2024. Courtesy the artist and Dreamsong. Literature Visual Art 2-16-2024 Reliquarium: On Alexa Horochowski’s Under the Sea-Wind Elisabeth Workman
1Pao Houa Her, untitled, Mt. Shasta series, 2021-2022. Courtesy the artist and Bockley Gallery, Minneapolis; produced with support from the Walker Art Center. Literature Visual Art 10-7-2022 Forest of Beginnings Mai Der Vang
1Behind Environmental Wood Recycling, wildfire haze obscures the St. Paul skyline. Photo: Bade Turgut. Visual Art 9-24-2021 What Can’t Be Buried: Unearthing Revival Field Mike Curran
1Sarah Foltz Jordan (2021). Moving Image 8-27-2021 A Guide to Hedgerows & Seeding Flexible Habitats Sarah Foltz Jordan
1Regan Golden, Spring Ephemerals. Design Visual Art 5-1-2019 Seeing Plants: Vision and Botany in Contemporary Art Regan Golden
1Alexa Horochowski, Vortex Drawing. On exhibit at Highpoint Center for Printmaking February 3 - March 25, 2017. Moving Image Visual Art 1-31-2017 And Watching Them, So Were We Johanna Burton
1The "ocean" of Ordway prairie. Photo: Erin Westover / Josh Duffy. Literature Performing Arts Visual Art 9-6-2016 This Prairie Has Always Been Her Ocean Ben Weaver
1Rmay Rivard, Daughter of Oz, mixed media chair. On view at Vine Arts Center through July 29, 2016 Performing Arts Visual Art 7-26-2016 Seeing Paganistan Stephanie Fox
1Riding through the woods with the family. All photos courtesy of the Ben Weaver. Literature Performing Arts 6-21-2016 Ramble Ramble: Flock to the Tree Tops Ben Weaver