miniStories: “Bird and Deer” by Ben Weaver
miniStories winner Ben Weaver's lyrical gem about the inherent strangeness lurking behind everyday routines.

Bird and Deer
I found a dead bird. Half covered by leaves. Lying in the shadow of the curb on my street. I called you up. You didnt answer your phone. I didnt leave a message. I never do.
Between the cedar fence and the tallest white oak, I buried the bird and kicked dirt into the hole.
In the morning before sunrise, there were three deer in the yard. I watched them from the window, but when I went downstairs they werent there anymore.
About the author: Ben Weaver lives in St. Paul with his kids and dog. He mostly writes songs and travels around and sings, but he also writes stories and poems and draws pictures of things that he sees and likes.