General 12-4-2001

Erik Belgum

My mother listens to the radio, watches her TV soaps, and reads the newspaper simultaneously. She has learned to navigate her way through a chaotic world competing for her attention. She finds comfort in distraction and composes her world, her house and her ambience accordingly.

So does Erik Belgum, proponent of ambient fiction. Your attention can wander in and out of his printed literature or spoken word compositions (Horspiel) and you won’t know if you are daydreaming or he is. Strange Neonatal Cry spins a narrative like the spirals of a parking ramp, accompanied by music made on instruments that rotate: a structural confluence of architecture, sound, and consciousness.

Philip Blackburn

Philip Blackburn was born in Cambridge, England, and studied music there and at the University of Iowa with Kenneth Gaburo. He has worked at the American Composers Forum since 1991, running the innova Recordings label and producing upwards of 500 albums, including the multimedia Urtext series, Enclosures: Harry Partch.   He is also a public artist specializing in sound — a composer/environmental sound-artist.  Blackburn’s works have been heard in ships’ harbors, state fairs, forests, and…   read more