You Are Hear: When the Smoke Clears (July 2012)
In this month's episode, writer Jill Grunewald with a story about love and remodeling, and the occasionally serendipitous disaster.

ABOUT THE PODCAST: You Are Hear is a literary podcast production of Each monthly edition will feature new, original work by a Minnesota writer or two. The show is available on our site, of course, but also’s Audioboo page (for ease of sharing and downloading). Stories, poems, humor pieces, spoken word performances and whatever else talented folks can do with nouns and verbs – all presented in downloadable audio form for you to enjoy when and where you choose. It’s like a dozen free little books to put in your ears.
ABOUT THE HOST: Brian Beatty has published his jokes, poems and short stories in a variety of print and online publications. He’s performed comedy all over the Twin Cities. Brian’s humor chapbook DUCK! was published in 2009.
Jill Grunewald is a Minneapolis-based holistic nutrition coach, food lover, farm-hugger, and health-and-wellness writer. Her articles have been featured in several online magazines, print publications, and blogs, including Huffington Post. Her first feature article for Experience Life magazine will run in the November 2012 issue. With a background in architecture and design and a googly-eyed obsession with color, Jill is in the throes of starting a business that will marry holistic nutrition coaching with kitchen design and remodeling. She is also seriously considering penning that book people have been urging her to write; she has no idea what it will be about.
She hails from Missouri, and then lived on the West Coast for 12 years before moving back to the Midwest. Now in her fifth year in Minnesota, Jill is still bewildered that some people are bewildered with her straightforward, no-nonsense style. She’s nice, but not Minnesota Nice. Follow her tweets @jgrunewaldhnc and learn more about Jill at