Vol 1, No 2: 10,000 arts
Here's the collection of full texts for the second issue of 10,000 arts, the joint production of mnartists.org (a project of the Walker Art Center and the McKnight Foundation) and The Rake. Look for it in the Rake racks now.

This issue of 10,000 Arts features a discussion among local photographers of Lori Grinker’s recent and resonant exhibition, “Afterwar: Veterans from a World in Conflict,” at the Minnesota Center for Photography. (This feature is exclusive to the print edition of 10,000 arts, so you won’t find it here. )
For the rest of the issue, we’ve drawn excerpts from mnartists.org: art and writing concerned with the effects of war on the human world, offering insights from critics and artists into how art can deepen our thoughts about the violent crises that surround us. See this online version source for full-text versions of these pieces: click on the highlighted quotes to reach the original articles.
But the country of art is big, encompassing all manner of other concerns: Susannah Schouweiler’s astute and often amusing “Zoom In” profiles of Minnesota artists give us good news from the creative front. Liz Minette, a poet from the “What Light” series, offers a wry and resonant view of foxes and urban wolves. And finally, you can make room for beauty, color, and wit in your life via our Art Market. See these features in full in the print magazine, along with the lead article: a discussion among photographers Tom Arndt, Katherine Turczan, Sean Smuda, and Minnesota Center for Photography artistic director George Slade.
“Reliquae: Beauty and Cruelty of Life on Earth”
Review by Glenn Gordon, sculpture by Sam Spiczka.
“Reliquiae,” from Latin, means “the remains of the dead,” or, in church parlance, “sacred relics,” the bones of saints. The origin of Spiczka’s reliquiae . . . .
Essay by Sam Spiczka
In the corner of nearly every field can be found a rockpile. . .
“Navigating the Realm Where Cultures Collide”
Review by Julia Durst of paintings by Sterling Rathsack
MCAD/Jerome Artists: Megan Vossler
Review by Kristin Makholm
Rites of Fall: James Sewell Ballet with the Minnesota Orchestra
Review by Camille LeFevre
Watching Hijack
Review by Lightsey Darst