Vol 1, No 1: 10,000 arts hits the streets!
10,000 arts, a quarterly publication, will appear every 3 months with The Rake. Its a collaboration between mnartists.org and the Rake, and features articles and excerpts from the web version of mnartists.org, plus new features and essays.

Look for The Rake magazine this month; packaged with it you’ll find an entirely new magazine.
10,000 arts, a quarterly publication, will appear every 3 months with The Rake. It’s a collaboration between mnartists.org and the Rake, and features articles and excerpts from the web version of mnartists.org, plus new features and essays.
From the cover featuring a detail of the huge painting “The Net” by Minnesota painter Freddy Munoz (now showing at the MAEP Galleries at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts), to the essay on the pleasures of a fine disorder by Minnesota writer Jim Heynen, to the Art Market feature that allows you to see and buy the work of Minnesota artists, the new quarterly magazine 10,000 arts gives a wider reach to the work of Minnesota’s best creative minds and hands. Every issue we’ll run excerpts from a few of our acute and opinionated reviews, and versions of our interviews and features. 10,000 arts is Minnesota art; you’ll get the inside track on the work of writers, artists, artisans, performers, and musicians from all over the state, and can refer back to mnartists.org for more.
Mnartists.org, backed by the collaboration of over 6,000 artists in our database, has worked with The Rake to put together a print forum that carries our programming as well as promotion by hundreds of the artists and galleries and nonprofits that make up Minnesota’s rich artistic ecosystem. Look into 10,000 arts for all your esthetic needs this fall!
You can link to the original articles on mnartists.org here. (The source materials for 10,000 arts pieces can always be found in the 10,000 arts listing in the Articles directory on mnartists.org.)
mnartists.org would like to acknowledge and thank the McKnight Foundation and the Walker Art Center for their ongoing commitment to local artists through their support of mnartists.org.
Our supporting partners for the first issue of 10,000 arts were