
Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin

Drew Maude-Griffin
An Elegy for Sick Rage is a series of writings by young disabled artists in Minnesota. This series was curated with the intention of centering the voices of young-adult disabled folks; as an outlet for our simmering rage and grief and as a place for the swell of wisdom that has inevitably come from living and making during a global pandemic.
In Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha writes:
“Crip emotional intelligence is understanding isolation. Deeply. We know what it’s like to be really, really alone. To be forgotten about, in that way where people just don’t remember you’ve ever been out, at meetings and parties, in the social life of the world. How being isolated, being shunned, being cut off from the social world of community is terrifying because you know that it can literally kill you. And that being alone also does not always have to be killing; it can also be an oasis of calm, quiet, low stimulation and rest.”
In the spirit of crip emotional intelligence, these are writings borne from isolation. They highlight the abundant practices of young disabled makers and offer incidental findings of crip wisdom.