Moving Image 7-28-2006

Leah Cooper and The Fringe

Producer Marya Morstad continues the “Radio mnartists” series of podcasts and KFAI radio interviews with Minnesota artists. Listen to her interview with Leah Cooper.

Leah Cooper

To hear the interview, click on the “Related Content” tab at the foot of the right-hand column on this page, or click the link below.

Interview with Leah Cooper

Leah Cooper, a child math prodigy, started her first theater company as
a teenager in Los Angeles. When she relocated to Minneapolis eight
years ago, she participated in the Minnesota Fringe Festival as a
playwright, producer and director. She then joined the Board of
Directors and became its Executive Director in September 2001. Under
Cooper’s leadership, the Fringe established itself as an integral part
of the Twin Cities arts community
and the largest non-juried performing arts festival in the United
States. She is now leaving her post at the Fringe and heading to South
America with her new husband, theater artist Alan Berks, who co-founded
Thirst Theater.

About the Fringe Festival
The mission of the Minnesota Fringe is to connect adventurous artists
with adventurous audiences by creating open,
supportive forums for free and diverse artistic expression. The
Minnesota Fringe Festival, the largest non-juried performing arts
festival in the United States, celebrates its 13th year August 3 to 13,
2006. With more than 800 performances from 172 companies, the Fringe
continues as one of the top summer events in the Twin Cities.
The Fringe is an eleven-day performing and visual arts festival that
features drama, comedy, dance, musical theater, Kids Fringe, Teen
Fringe, solo performance, sketch comedy, puppets and more. Theater
companies and individual artists from across Minnesota, the U.S. and
Canada perform in more than 23 venues throughout eight Minneapolis

To find out more about Thirst Theater at Jitters Bar and Cafe (Where
Curtain Call Meets Last Call):

Marya Morstad

Radio and Film Producer: Host/Producer of “Art Matters” on KFAI-FM Community Radio since 1992. Coordinated the Twin Cities Arab Film Festival for Mizna, 2009-2012. “Art is Patriotic” — A look at art and politics during The Republican National Convention, held in St. Paul, 2008 (audio/video). Produced the “Radio mnartists” for this site: a series of 80 audio portraits of Minnesota artists, 2005-2008. Produced an award-winning documentary on the arts and …   read more