10,000 Arts Party
You and a guest are invited to the premier 10,000 Arts Party Co-hosted by The Rake and mnartists.org, publishers of 10,000 Arts, Minnesotas Creative Quarterly.

10,000 Arts Party
Friday, February 9, 2007, 8 p.m. – Midnight
Admission Free, Cash Bar
Featuring musical guest Chris Koza
Dance Performance by Justin Jones
Theater with Live Action Set
Speed Painting with JAO
Sound and Video Art with Scott Stulen, Jared Stulen, and Chuck Olsen
And More.
Varsity Theater
1308 4th Street S.E., Minneapolis
Valet parking available
RSVP, required by February 2, to 10000arts@rakemag.com
Please include both your full name and your guest’s with your reply
Painting by Simon Huelsbeck; www.mnartists.org/simon_huelsbeck