FRINGE SHORTS: “BOOGIEography” by Blue Umbrella Productions

Camille Lefevre says this crowdpleasing festival favorite is "quick, quirky and fun." If you'd like to see this show, act quickly to get your tickets - this one's been selling out the house.


WHEN MOST PEOPLE THINK “DANCE SHOW,” it’s probably safe to assume they’re expecting something like BOOGIEography.  Created by Windy Bowlsby of Blue Umbrella Productions, the show features a likeable group of young dancers (of various sizes and shapes) going at the choreography with gusto.

Don’t expect the pyrotechnic athletics that have become de rigueur in both Broadway shows and on reality TV. But like so many of those dance routines, these too are clearly set to music: the lyrics of pop songs, disco-style remixes and Broadway tunes.

In fact, the choreography illustrates the music (e.g., dancers raise their arms or jump when the lyrics include the word “high,” and lower their arms or crouch down when the lyrics include “low”). Or, the moves otherwise express the emotion communicated by the melody, tone, or words of a song. This style is often referred to as lyrical dance, and it includes lots of reaching, sweeping arms; leg extensions and kicks; turns and runs; beckoning and pushing.  

But there are jazz hands here, as well. And there’s variety of execution and subject matter. One piece is a Bollywood send up, another a men’s love duet; still another features quicksilver timing with the rolling chair. It’s quick, quirky, and fun.

By the time the troupe digs into Alison Jiear’s anthem, “I Just Wanna Fuckin’ Dance,” I was smiling in spite of myself. “I don’t give a fuck no more/If people think I am a whore/I just wanna dance…. yeah. Dance. Dance. Dance. Dance.” Amen!!

Related links and performance details:

BOOGIEography by Blue Umbrella Productions is on stage at Patrick’s Cabaret for one more show: Saturday, 8/11 at 10 pm (be advised that most shows have nearly or completely sold out, so you should get your tickets sooner rather than later if you’d like to go). For more information check the Fringe web page for this show:

Find reviews, ticket info and more on the Fringe Festival website:

Check back on the homepage regularly throughout the Fringe Festival, August 2 – 12, for more short reviews on, sent in from our intrepid performance critics on the scene.


About the author: Camille LeFevre is a Twin Cities’ arts journalist and college professor.

Camille LeFevre

Camille LeFevre has been practicing arts journalism for more than 30 years, and has written on the arts for almost every publication (print and on-line) in the Twin Cities, as well as for numerous national publications. She is currently the editor of The Line (, an online publication about the creative economy of the Twin Cities. She also positions and crafts communications material (press releases, brochures, website content, proposals) for educational institutions, dance …   read more