Author: Lex Thompson 
2004, Master of Fine Arts in Photography, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
2001, Master of the Arts in Religion, cum laude, Yale University, Divinity School, Institute of Sacred Music and the Arts (concentration in the relationship between religion & the visual arts), New Haven, CT
1999, Bachelor of the Arts in History, New College of Florida, Sarasota, FL
Selected Exhibitions
Re-Model, TuckUnder, Minneapolis, MN (solo)
North of the 45th, DeVos Art Museum, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI
The Golden Hour, Silver Eye Center for Photography, Pittsburgh, PA
Nowhere Everywhere, The Cambridge School of Weston, Weston MA
This From There, Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Extraordinary Outdoors, Peterssen/Keller Architecture, curated by Tim Peterson, Minneapolis, MN TOMODACHI x mt tape, Tomodachi Mall of America, curated by Public Functionary, Bloomington, MN
6th Annual Contemporary Photography Exhibition, Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, jurors Whitney Richardson (NYTimes Lens Blog) and Paige West (Mixed Greens, NY), Philadelphia, PA
Between Two Worlds, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
The Ephemeral, Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography, juror Tate Shaw, Detroit, MI
It Narratives, Franklin Street Works, Stamford, CT
INFOCUS – Self Published Photobooks, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
This May Have Happened, David Weinberg Photography, Filter Photo Festival, Chicago IL
Photobook Show F, 72 Gallery, Tokyo Institute of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
The Here There, Some Sum Studio, Winona, MN
Photobookshow Malmö, Vasli Souza, Malmo, Sweden
Orders of Possibility, Form +Content Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (three person)
The Explorers Club, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN (two person)
DIY (Chicago): Photographers and Books, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
a fair., Art + Design Gallery, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Lu-wow, Eugene Johnson Gallery, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN (solo)
New Southern Photography, Ogden Museum of Art, New Orleans, LA
DIY: Photographers & Books, Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
Photobook Show C, Create Studio, Brighton UK
Unbound!, Candela Gallery, Richmond, VA
Erosion 2012: Death of Album, Lithuanian Photographers Union, Klaipeda, Lithuania
All Our Pleasant Places, Seerveld Gallery, Trinity College, Chicago, IL (solo)
McKnight Photography Fellows 2009-2010, Franklin Art Works, Minneapolis, MN
A View of the Vernacular: Eric Ruby & Lex Thompson, IFP Center for Media Arts, Saint Paul, MN
Evergreen, Wall Space Gallery, Santa Barbara, CA
giftofgiftof 2010, Next Wall Gallery, Houston, TX
Biotics: The Hum/an/imal World, Conduit Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Anamalia, Center for Fine Art Photography, juror Karen Irvine (Museum of Contemporary Photography,Chicago), Fort Collins, CO
Carroll, Nedrelow, Thompson, SELLOUT Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
Space Available, 9th Street Entry Gallery, Saint Paul, MN
All Our Pleasant Places, Point of View Gallery, New York, NY (solo)
Fanatically Yours, New York Center for Art & Media Studies, juror Josie Browne (President, Max ProtetchGallery), New York, NY
New American Talent, Arthouse, juror Nato Thompson, (curator at Creative Time, NY), Austin, TX, Texas A&M, Commerce, TX, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
PhotoMidwest, University of Wisconsin, juror Lisa Hostetler (Milwaukee Art Museum), Madison, WI
Artist’ Books: Recent Acquisitions, UCLA Arts Library, Los Angeles, CA
Minnie Photo Show, Fallon, Minneapolis, MN
Mounted, The Anton Art Center, Mount Clemens, MI
Situations, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN
High 5: Emerging Art in America, CW Network Corporate Headquarters, Los Angles, CA
Up & Now!, Photographic Center Northwest, juror Charlotte Cotton (Department Head & Curator of Photography at LACMA), Seattle, WA
Untitled 6, SOO Visual Arts Center, Minneapolis, MN
Photocentric 2007, Minnesota Center for Photography, juror Lisa Hostetler (Milwaukee Art Museum), Minneapolis, MN
All Our Pleasant Places, Focal Length Gallery, Minnesota State University, Moorhead, MN. (solo)
Mush, Mush, Masculinity!, Ephemeral Space, Saint Paul, MN
Waterways, Eugene Johnson Gallery, Bethel University, St. Paul, MN (solo)
You Were Never Here, The Soap Factory, Minneapolis, MN
Photo Books Now, San Francisco Center for the Book, San Francisco, CA
Other America, Exit Art, New York, NY
Minnesota Biennial 2D II, Minnesota Museum of American Art, juror Elizabeth Dunbar (Kemper Art Museum), St. Paul, MN
Exposure X 9, Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts, Grand Rapids, MI
D(igital)fraged, University of West Florida Art Gallery, Pensacola, FL
Books Abound, Third Floor Gallery, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul, MN
To Have and To Hold, Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN
Love and The Art of Written Correspondence, Interlochen Arts Academy, Interlochen, MI
Letters, Words, & Books, Studio Place Arts, Barre, VT
Monument Recall, SF Camerawork, San Francisco, CA, (Oct – Nov. 2004), The Art Gym, Marylhurst University, Portland, OR, (Feb. – Mar 2005)
Faculty 2004, Interlochen Arts Academy Visual Arts Gallery, Interlochen, MI
TPS 13: The National Competition, traveling, juror Sue Brisk (Ed. Director, Magnum Photos), Design Center of Austin, Austin, TX (Sept 2004), Center for Contemporary Art, Abiline, TX (Dec. 2004 – Jan 2005).
We Could’ve Been Friends, Boxspace, Miami, FL
Landing, Southern Exposure, Juror Manray Hsu, San Francisco, CA
All Our Pleasant Places, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Take-Out, Swell Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Scale to Fit, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Creative City, An Installation by the San Francisco Bureau of Urban Secrets at the Society for Planning & Urban Research, San Francisco, CA
Fascicle, The Atlantic Gallery, Hamden, CT (solo)
The Tower of Babel for Fun & Profit or What to Do When the Rope Gets Cut, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT, conceived & performed this multimedia video and theatre piece with Barry Kendall
Public Collaborations
“Photo Copy,” Picture This, Free First Saturday, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, May 2016, public portrait session modeled on a nineteenth-century portrait.
“Tape Up”, Everyone Is An MN Artist, Free First Saturday, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN, Feb. 2016, collaborative version of Frame Drag installation and 8-fold book construction with over 700 children and parents
Selected Publications
“Space Jamz,” Group Show 47, Humble Arts Foundation, Dec. 2015.
“Lex Thompson,” Muybridge’s Horse, ed. Emma Kisiel, May 14, 2015. (http://muybridgeshorse.com/2015/05/14/lex-thompson/)
“Seventh Anniversary Issue,” Fraction Magazine, ed. David Bram, No. 74, May 2015. (http://www.fractionmagazine.com/issue-74)
“Nostalgia,” Feature Shoot, ed. Ellyn Kail, April 30, 2015. (www.featureshoot.com/2015/04/145-nostalgia-inducing-photos-make-up-our-l…)
“Singularity,” Fraction Magazine, ed. Michele Penhall, Group Show, No. 73 , April 2015. (http://www.fractionmagazine.com/singularity)
“Independently Published Photobooks: Lex Thompson,” Interview by Antone Dolezal, fototazo, March 5, 2015. (http://www.fototazo.com/2015/03/independently-published-photobooks-lex-t…)
The Ephemeral, ed. Tate Shaw (Detroit, MI: Detroit Center for Contemporary Photography, 2014).
“New Cats in Art Photography,” Group Show 41, Humble Arts Foundation , Aug. 2014.
“Animals in Photobooks,” IMA: Living With Photography, Spring 2014, Vol. 7, ed. Mutsuko Ota (Tokyo, Japan: Amana, 2014) p.142.
“All Our Pleasant Places – Lex Thompson,” On A White Wall, Feb. 26, 2014. (http://www.onawhitewall.com/2014/02/26-feb.html?utm_source=BP_recent)
“Orders of Possibility at Form + Content,” City Pages, Sheila Regan, Dec. 2013. (http://blogs.citypages.com/dressingroom/2013/12/orders_of_possi.php)
“Foto_Critica 2013,” Citrica, ed. Andre Franca, April 2013. (http://www.mostrafotocritica.com/photo_criticism/2013/)
“Asking Questions, Proposing Answers,” Interview, Top Photography Films, March 2013. (http://www.topphotographyfilms.com/2010/03/13/lex-thompson/)
From Untamed to Sacred, Photographic Museum of Humanity, March 2013. (http://www.photographicmuseum.com/museum/home)
“Juxtaposition” F-Stop Magazine, ed. Christy Karpinski, Issue 57, Feb-March 2013. (http://www.fstopmagazine.com/groupexhibition.html)
Melanie McWhorter, “A Closer Look – Cave Drawings,” book review, photo-eye blog, August 7, 2012, (http://blog.photoeye.com/2012/08/a-closer-look-cave-drawings.html)
“Styx River Water World,” Mystery Spot Books: Nature’s Nation, ed. Chad Rutter (Minneapolis, MN: Mystery Spot Books, 2012).
“Mahalo”, Dead Porcupine Mag, ed. Raffaele Capasso & Francesco Claudio Cipolletta, June 20, 2012. (http://mag.deadporcupine.com/post/25500906017/lex-thompson-mahalo)
Drawing Club: A Collaborative Coloring Book (Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 2012).
“IndiePhotobook Library,” Voices of Photography, Larissa Leclair, ed. Wei-I Lee, No.1 (Taiwan: 2011).
“Mahalo,” Fraction Magazine, ed. David Bram, Portfolios, No.29, Aug. 2011. (http://fractionmagazine.com/artist/lexthompson#.ToI1GE-5bfU)
Miranda Trimmier, “A Shuffling Game,” mnartists.org, June 6, 2011. (http://www.mnartists.org/article.do?rid=294456)
A View of the Vernacular: Eric Ruby & Lex Thompson (Minneapolis, MN: IFP Minnesota, 2011).
“All Our Pleasant Places,” FotoVisura Features Blog, ed. Adriana Theresa, Oct. 8, 2010. (http://blog.fotovisura.com/2010/10/lex-thompson)
Scott Stulen, “Catching Up with the 2009 McKnight Photography Fellows,” Walker, July/Aug. 2010 (Minneapolis, MN: Walker Art Center, 2010), p 8-9.
“Flash Forward: United States,” Telegraph.co.uk, 2010. (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/photography/7309085/Flash-Forward-Uni…)
Flash Forward 2009: Emerging Photographers from Canada, the United Kingdom & the United States, ed. Simon Bainbridge (Toronto: Magenta Foundation, 2009).
Art Review and Preview!, “A Chronology of Events Leading Up to Carrol/Nedrelow/Thompson at Sellout Gallery: 1834-2009,” Andy Sturdevant, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer 2009.
“The Un-Natural Nature of Food,” Fraction Magazine, ed. Melanie McWhorter, Group Show No. 5, July 2009. (http://www.fractionmag.com/group5/)
NAT23 (Austin, TX: Arthouse, 2008).
Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Twisted Traditions,” Mary Abbe, Friday, July 20, 2007, F-12&13.
High 5 : Emerging Art in America, David Pagel (Los Angeles, CA: CW Network, 2007).
Photocentric 2007: A Photographic Biennial (Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Center for Photography, 2007).
Satellite, Issue 2, ed. Jason Mortara & John Rubin (San Fran., CA: The Independent School of Art, 2006).
Minneapolis Star Tribune, “Minnesota Mavericks,” Mary Abbe, Friday, October 28, 2005, F-18.
Neomu, No. 8, 2005, ed. Deanne Cheuk (New York, NY: Surfacepseudoart 2005).
Look-Look Magazine, “Possessed by Taxidermy,” No. 4, Spring 2005, ed. Cat Doran, p. 36-39.
Artweek, “’Monument Recall’ at SF Camerawork,” Terri Cohn, February 2005, Vol. 36, No.1, ed. Laura Richard Janku, p.14. Review of show that mentions my Colma project.
Camerawork: a Journal of Photographic Arts, “Monument Recall,” Fall/Winter 2004, Vol. 31, No. 2, ed. Trena Noval (SF Camerawork 2004).
TPS 13: The National Competition, ed. Sue Brisk (Texas Photographic Society 2004).
Lavalette, “If the Supply of Lamb’s Holds Out: Simen Johan’s Until the Kingdom Comes,” Lex Thompson, December 2014, ed. Shane Lavalette (http://www.lavalette.com/if-the-supply-of-lambs-hold-out-simen-johans-un…)
Walker Art Center Blog, “A Sublime Feeling in My GUT: Eric William Carroll’s Theory of Everything,” Lex Thompson, September 18 2014, ed. Susannah Schouweiler. (http://blogs.walkerart.org/mnartists/2014/09/18/a-sublime-feeling-in-my-…)
On A White Wall, “Ghost Show May Be In Session,” Lex Thompson, Aug. 2014, ed. Alex Wood.(http://www.onawhitewall.com/post/94179928369/spooklightchronicles)
Photo-eye Blog, “Book of the Week: Birds of the West Indies,” August 18, 2014. (http://blog.photoeye.com/2014/08/book-of-week-lex-thompson.html)
mnartists.org, “Objectifying Time,” Lex Thompson, March 5 2014, ed. Susannah Schouweiler. (http://mnartists.org/article.do?rid=345708)
Lay Flat, “F* That: Photography and the Ineffable,” Lex Thompson, June 2013, ed. Shane Lavalette (http://www.layflat.org/f-that-photography-and-the-ineffable/)
access + ENGAGE, “Colleen Mullins’ Elysium: Urban Canopy Loss in Post-Katrina New Orleans at the Hand of Man,” Lex Thompson, March 2008, Vol. 27, No. 2, ed. Susannah Schouweiler. (http://www.mnartists.org/tourHome.do?action=start&rid=184115).
Religion and the Arts, “100 Artists See God,” Lex Thompson, Vol. 8, No. 4, ed. Dennis Taylor (Boston, MA: Brill 2004). Article on the work shown in the exhibit 100 Artists See God curated by John Baldessari & Meg Cranston.
Honors, Grants & Awards
Artist Initiative Grant, Minnesota State Arts Board, 2016
Midwest Photographers Project, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Frame Drag, 2015-1018
Source-Cord Prize, shortlist, 2014
Artist Initiative Grant, Minnesota State Arts Board, 2011
mnartists/McKnight Artist Fellowships for Photographers, 2009/2010
Flash Forward Emerging Photographer, 2009
Hey, Hot Shot!, Honorable Mention, Fall 2008
Artist Initiative Grant, Minnesota State Arts Board, 2008
Visiting Artist in Photography, Interlochen Arts Academy, 2004-2005, Interlochen, MI
Bethel University, Saint Paul, MN
Bibliograph Library, Montreal, Quebec
California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA
Center for Book & Paper Art, Columbia College Chicago, Chicago, IL
Cleveland Institute of Art
Colma Historical Society, Colma, CA
Denison University, Doane Library, Special Collections, Granville, OH
Environmental Design Library, University of California, Berkeley
Floating Library, Minneapolis, MN
Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Graduate & Professional Student Senate at Yale, New Haven, CT
Hennepin County Library Special Collections, Minneapolis, MN
Indie Photobook Library
Lithuanian Photographers Union, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Montserrat College of Art
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans, LA
Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA
San Jose State University, King Library, Special Collections, San Jose, CA
Scripps College, Ella Denison Library, Claremont, CA
Stanford University, Green Library, Palo Alto, CA
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
University of California, Los Angeles, Arts Library
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Wesleyan University, Olin Library, Middleton, CT
Yale University, Art of the Book Collection, New Haven, CT