Author: Ellie Lynch 
“My Theater Arts BA taught me to evaluate [art] based on how it effectively challenges people to ask questions.”
-Ellie Lynch, (M)imosa: “When You Go to Buy Real Shit, You Need to Bring Real Shit”, https://walkerart.org/magazine/mimosa-when-you-go-to-buy-real-shit-you-need-to-bring-real-shit . Jan 26, 2013.
Ellie Lynch performed in, co-created, & executed design for numerous Twin Cities live performance & dance works from 2005 to 2013. In addition she contributed to hundreds of performances & other events as a hourly employee of Bryant Lake Bowl Theater from 2008 to 2012. Together with Kristin Van Loon they co-curated secret fARt Fest video nights in the “New Smuda Theater.” A 2005 alumnus of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Department of Theatre Arts & Dance, in 2019 they contributed as a community member to the City of Minneapolis Trans Equity Council & moonlights as assistant “Stage Mangler” with Minneapolis’ 20 year running queer performance group, Dykes Do Drag also at Bryant Lake Bowl Theater.