Author: Amoke Kubat 
Amoke Kubat is a “Northsider for life” who has been involved in empowering mothers and families since 1987. She is a Yoruba Priestess, teacher, artist, and writer who partners with community artists, activists, and organizations to bridge African/African American culture and historical contributions into transformative actions and social equitable practices for healing and building sustainable families and communities.
Amoke is the designer of YO MAMA! It is a “mothering” artistic practice. YO MAMA! is an art-based support group called The Art of Mothering Workshops (where traditional women’s work is learned and art genres are explored) and provides custom designed ART Residencies for organizations that serve mothers. YO MAMA’s mission is to empower mothers by disrupting the devaluation of women’s invisible labor and showcasing their mastery of the art of mothering and the universal traditional women’s work that transforms into art making and economic security.
Amoke uses writing and art making to speak truth to power and to hold a position of wellness in an America sick with inequalities and inequities. Her writing includes published short stories, her memoir, a play, and the Playbook for the play.