Author: David Grant 
David Grant is a Twin Cities-based writer. As a playwright, he has been commissioned to write new work for the Minnesota Science Museum, the Minnesota Historical Society, Mixed Blood Theater (in conjunction with Bedlam Theater and Voices of Cedar-Riverside), VocalEssence, The Playwrights’ Center, and The History Theatre. As a screenwriter, a sampling of his work includes “The Screenplay Project: Four Shorts” for Twin Cities Public Television (KTCA TV), the feature film scripts, “Fast Girls” for Russell Simmons’ Def Pictures and “Spirit Dive” for HBO New York, “Black & Blue,” a feature length dramatic series pilot for Davis Entertainment and the Showtime Network, “Block by Block”, a web-based dramatic series for children, and Tin iyo Cirib (Head to Foot), a DVD for Health Partners staff about more effective service delivery to the East African immigrants, most especially the Somali community. On and off, he has been at work on a book, “I Would Know You by Your Feet,” about the experience of finding, in Ghana, the African family from whom his father’s ancestors were separated during the transatlantic slave trade. One chapter of this unpublished African memoir, “I Hold High My Beautiful, Luminous Qur’an” appears in the book, “Best Travel Writing, 2009,” published by Travelers’ Tales, Palo Alto. Another, “It’s Like a Miracle,” appears in the book, Blues Vision: African American Writing from Minnesota, MN Historical Society Press, 2015. His essay, story, “People Like Us” appears in the book, A Good Time for the Truth, edited by Sun Yung Shin, MN Historical Society Press, 2016. He has served as State Mentor for The Givens Black Writers Collaborative Retreat Program. He teaches screenwriting at FilmNorth, MN Prison Writing Workshop, and Bolden Fields Academy. Grant is a graduate of Antioch College. He is president emeritus of Screenwriters’ Workshop, a member of The Loft board of directors, a core alumnus member of The Playwrights’ Center, and a member of the Writers’ Guild of America, west.