Art at St. Kate’s 2025
Artists' Circle
Artists’ Circle’s annual outdoor art fair is located on the beautiful triangle shaped green space at the corner of Randolph and Cleveland Avenues on the St. Paul campus of St. Catherine University.
ART AT ST. KATE’S is organized and run by artists for artists. We reserve the right to determine what artworks fit the parameters we set for this show and to make final judgments on all rules.
Five established Upper Midwest artists are invited to participate as featured artists. All other artists are juried into the show. Artists are selected to insure a balanced show with a wide array of media. A knowledgeable panel reviews the images submitted by the juried artists. Decisions of the selection panel are final.
Set-up: 6-9:30 a.m. Take-down: 5-7 p.m. 12’x12′ space allows for 10’x10′ canopy and storage. Artists must provide their own carts, canopy, display units, tables, and chairs. No additional storage is available.
Application Requirements
Artists are required to submit four images of their artwork and one image of your booth set up/display. If you do not have a booth display image, you may set up and photograph an approximation of how your work will be displayed.
When adding your portfolio images in CaFe, be sure to include brief explanations of techniques and materials. Please be clear about the source of your materials: ex. ‘I use handmade paper’. Is that handmade by you or purchased? ‘I make laser cut jewelry’. Do you have your own laser cutter or do you send your designs to a company for cutting?
The jury fee is $30 or $20 for Artists’ Circle Members.
After March 21:
$40 for non-members or $30 for Artists’ Circle members
Entries received after March 21 must pay jury fee online.
The booth fee is $200, payable on acceptance.
You should receive jury results no later than April 11. Please add to your contacts so emails that are sent BCC (blind carbon copy) from this address will be deliverable.
Contact Tracy at with any questions.
Eligibility Criteria
Participation is open to 100 artists who produce art and fine craft. These include (but are not limited to) basketry, clay, digital art, drawings, fiber, glass, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, paper, painting, photography, print-making, sculpture, wood, watercolor, and wearables. Personal care products (soap, lotion, etc.) do not fit the parameters of fine craft as defined for this show.
All artwork must be both designed and produced by the applicant artist. No kits, commercial patterns, or molds may be used. Studios involved in volume production are not permitted. Artists must be present at the art fair to exhibit their own work. Only one artist per booth; spaces may not be shared unless all artwork is fully collaborative with all applicants contributing to the creation of the art pieces; all names must appear on the application.
Artwork is juried on the basis of quality, originality, craftsmanship, creativity, skillful use of materials, presentation, and marketability.