Author: Jeffrey Burton 
THE FINDERS came out June of 2020 to starred reviews in Booklist and Library Journal.
THE EULOGIST came out in the fall of 2017.
THE CHESSMAN (a serial killer in hot pursuit of his own copycat) came out to a starred review in Publishers Weekly and was listed by PW as one of the best new books for the Week of May 21, 2012. Harlequin’s Mystery and Suspense imprint purchased the mass market edition of THE CHESSMAN, which comes out in spring of 2016.
THE LYNCHPIN (spies and serial killers) came out in 2015 to excellent reviews in Suspense Magazine, Examiner.com, Thriller Books Journal, Midwest Book Review, Prose ‘n Cons Mystery Magazine, BookLoons, Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine, Mysterical-E, Next Page Reviews, etc.
Jeff’s short stories have appeared in dozens of genre magazines (mystery, horror, sci-fi, literary). Jeff’s short story, Liza, appeared in the Stoker-nominated anthology The Twisted Book of Shadows. Jeff’s short story, The Soul Fish, received Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year in 2010. High Score and In This the Era of the Great Wilting were both published in Murky Depths in the time period that Murky Depths won the British Fantasy Award for Best Magazine. The Mourning and Letters of Transit were miniStory winners in the MNArtists.org MNLit contest in 2008 and 2010, respectively.
In addition to MNArtists.org, Jeff is an active member of the Mystery Writers of America (MWA), the Horror Writers Association (HWA), International Thriller Writers (ITW), and the International Association of Crime Writers.