Serve as a Grant Application Panelist
Minnesota State Arts Board
The Minnesota State Arts Board is seeking individuals from across the state to serve on grant application review panels in the next six months. Serving as a grant panelist is an opportunity to help decide which individuals, organizations, and programs will receive funding from the Arts Board.
We are looking for Minnesota residents who value the impact of the arts in their community. Any person who has experience with nonprofits and/or with the arts may serve as a panelist. Backgrounds in teaching, community building, or supporting underserved populations can be especially helpful.
Panelists are offered a stipend of $300, which includes:
- Four weeks of service (dates depend on program and team assignment)
- A live virtual training with a program officer
- Reading and scoring 25 applications online
- A virtual full-day public panel meeting to discuss assigned applications
- The time commitment is approximately 30 hours.
We are seeking people who can serve as panelists for the following programs:
Creative Individuals: Support to help individual artists and culture bearers develop or sustain their creative practices and meaningfully engage with Minnesotans. (August – October) *
Cultural Expression: Grants for activities that share, explore, pass on, express, or celebrate culture through the arts. (October – November) *
Arts Experiences: Support for individuals and organizations to provide meaningful arts experiences for Minnesotans within their communities (October – January) *
*Exact dates of service depend on team assignment
If you have questions, please contact Taylor Erickson at or (800) 866-2787.